Reasons and results of Cane Corso's diseases

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Burns of III degree involve the damage of papillary layer and hypoderm. IV degree of burn is characterized by necrosis of all the derma and hypoderm. Damaged skin areas do not heal independently at major burns of IV degree.

The transplantation of small skin pieces (1x1 см) is carried out for the cuticularization to happen. The most severe is V degree of burns. It comprises the layer of muscles causing necrosis and this leads to lethal outcome.

The treatment of burns varies depending on damage level. At low degree of burns, immediately after burning you should remove hair from the damaged area and process it with the solutions of potassium permanganate or argentic nitrate both cooled to 2-4 °С.

If the applications are introduced in time then it is possible to prevent the appearance of bullas. At more serious skin burns you should call for a veterinarian instantly.  


Sometimes an inflammation provoked by pus-producing microorganisms leads to appearance of pathologic dome-shaped bladders. These are so-called apostems. When palpating the lumps they fluctuate; they are algesic and cause high local temperature. Total temperature of the dog’s body rises too.

In the early stages apostasis is an edema hot by the feel and its consistency is like dough. The edema is sharp contoured. If not treated apostasis transforms into the stage of cellular infiltration that is characterized by induration of edema, fervescence, appearance of soreness in an afflicted zona. Intratissual pressure increases thrice, quaggy pacefollower dies away.

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